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How To Travel Solo Successfully: 31+ Tips For A Safe & Fun Trip

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Want to learn how to travel solo successfully?

Then you’re in the right place!

Solo travel can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only does it allow you ultimate freedom over your itinerary, but it can also encourage personal growth. Quite honestly, I don’t know if I would have had the confidence to start my own travel business had it not been for my experiences traveling solo.

That being said, it can be intimidating to actually book that first solo trip.

If you have the desire to travel alone but need some guidance on how to prepare for solo travel and actually enjoy it, I’m here to help.

Keep reading for my top traveling solo tips as well as bonus resources to help you successfully travel on your own.

Quick tip: When traveling solo, it’s still smart to pack a few travel safety essentials. One top pick is the She’s Birdie Personal Safety Alarm, which is TSA-approved and can help scare away potential attackers. Other recommendations include Clever Travel Companion Pickpocket-Proof Garments and Speakeasy Travel Supply Hidden Pocket Scarves.

Table of Contents

Travel Solo With Confidence [Free Course]

But first, before we get into our guide to how to enjoy a holiday alone, I invite you to grab a seat in my free Savvy Solo Traveler E-Course.

If you want to travel solo, this 6-day course is for you. It’s designed to help you feel confident about booking your first solo travel trip and exploring the world alone.

Lessons include:

  • Common solo travel fears and how to overcome them
  • How to choose your perfect destination
  • How to tell loved ones you’re hitting the road solo
  • Mentally preparing for your solo journey without losing your mind
  • Essential steps for staying safe on a solo trip
  • How to take amazing solo selfies

Once you’ve grabbed your seat, read on to learn how to travel solo successfully and to snag the bonus solo female travel resources.

Is It Hard To Travel Alone?

No travel experience is perfect, though sometimes it seems like you can get pretty close.

There are both pros and cons to traveling alone. While the experience can be both rewarding and empowering, it can get a little lonely and your safety risk is a little higher since you don’t have anyone watching your back.

I’m a firm believer that everyone should have the opportunity to experience it at least once, simply because there’s so much to learn about yourself while figuring out how to travel alone.

So, no, it’s not hard to travel alone — but you might come across different challenges you’ll need to overcome. That’s where this handy guide sharing my top travel solo tips comes in.

Tips For How To Travel Solo Successfully

On that note, I’d love to share some of my top pieces of advice for how to travel by yourself. My goal: that you feel confident taking a vacation alone and can enjoy this rewarding experience!

Before Taking A Solo Trip:

1. Get clear on why you want to travel solo

When it comes to how to start traveling alone, it really starts with mindset.

One of the main benefits of solo travel is having ultimate freedom over your itinerary. I recommend taking advantage of this aspect and really getting clear on why this solo trip is so important to you.

  • What excites you about the idea of taking a trip by yourself?
  • What prompted your desire to start traveling alone?
  • When you visualize traveling on your own, what do you see?

In short, the best way to succeed at solo travel is to know what you want to get out of it in the first place and then plan your itinerary accordingly.

woman traveling solo successfully in the Galapagos Islands
Solo travel can be an empowering experience. Photo via Jessie Festa.

2. Set your solo travel expectations

Truth: the first few days of your solo trip will likely be hard. You’ll be diving into a completely new experience in an unfamiliar place, and you might feel lonely, homesick, and culture shock.

Also realize that as you begin exploring and immersing yourself in your destination, these feelings will subside. In fact, for many people they go away completely and turn into a love of traveling alone.

Once it really sinks in just how great traveling without needing to compromise is, your perspective can shift drastically.

And if it doesn’t and you truly hate solo traveling, know that you can always end your trip early and head back home.

3. Turn solo travel anxiety into excitement

Fun fact: fear and excitement are both arousal emotions — so when you’re feeling anxious, try to shift that toward exhilaration.

I’ve actually utilized this little mindset trick many times. Basically, if I’m feeling nervous I’ll actually visualize feeling excited — until I truly am!

4. Do your travel research

It can be fun to add a little spontaneity into your solo trip, but the best solo travel tip is to do your research and show up well-prepared so that you don’t miss anything you’re hoping to experience.

One personal travel research fail happened to me in Zadar, Croatia. I’d been really wanting to go to Plitvice Lakes National Park; however, as I was visiting during the off-season, the buses going there were way less frequent. In the end, the schedule didn’t align with my exact travel dates.

If I would have done my research, I could have easily figured this out. In fact, if I would arrived just one day earlier I would have been able to easily get there.

The worst part? The bus schedule was readily available online, but I just hadn’t bothered to look it up!

In short, knowing where you want to go and what you want to do, along with what areas you should avoid, will help make your trip enjoyable and memorable for the right reasons.

Pro tip:

Now I may be biased, but in my opinion, one of the best ways to do research about your solo travel destination is to read blogs. These articles are typically written by people who have first-hand knowledge about the destination. You can even try reaching out to the blogger with any questions or concerns.

woman enjoying solo female travel in  Krka National Park in Croatia
Made a friend while traveling solo in Croatia’s Krka National Park. Photo via Jessie Festa.

5. Be flexible

Curious how to enjoy a solo trip? The key is being flexible!

This is really true whether you’re traveling solo or in a group. Travel is not always the picture perfect experience Instagram leads you to believe.

There are missed trains, lost luggage, misplaced passports, and general mishaps that can pop up along the way.

But, it’s all part of the adventure.

If you avoid having a meltdown every time something doesn’t go according to plan, and instead see it as part of the solo travel experience, you’ll enjoy yourself a lot more.

Here’s an example:

While traveling solo in France on my way to Nice, the airline lost my luggage — for the entire time I was there!

And while I was frustrated, I decided that exploring and socializing in dirty jeans and an old t-shirt was better than holing up in my room and crying about something I couldn’t control.

I’m glad I did, because it ended up being a really memorable part of the trip. Not only that, but “Sorry for my appearance — the airline lost my luggage” is actually a great conversation starter among travelers, as everyone has their own version of that story to share.

6. Plan a (loose) solo travel itinerary

Now, this solo travel tip really depends on your travel style and the length of your trip. If you’ll be backpacking for a few weeks or months, I recommend booking the first few nights of your accommodation to give yourself time to settle in.

That being said, it’s smart to also leave some room to change up your plan.

When I backpacked Europe for three months, I pre-booked everything — which meant I couldn’t veer from the plan when I met fun people I may have wanted to travel with or when I learned about interesting new places I hadn’t heard of before.

Now, when I travel solo for longer periods of time, I leave room for adventure.

woman taking a selfie while traveling alone in Latvia
Taking a selfie while traveling solo in Latvia. Photo via Jessie Festa.

7. Research local customs & cultural norms

When traveling abroad alone (or in a group), it’s important to realize that not everywhere has the same norms as your home city.

Some of these differences may be small things that you’ll learn along the way, while others are vital to understand before your trip so that you don’t accidentally offend the locals.

One story that comes to mind is when I was volunteering in Thailand. The volunteers all stayed in a large dorm, and then there was a main house where we would eat and have meetings.

Before entering the house, you were supposed to take off your shoes outside and step over the threshold, not on it. Well, one volunteer missed the memo and stood on the doorframe — which deeply upset the locals running the program.

Why? Because in Thailand, it’s believed that a spirit resides here.

This is just one example of why doing this kind of cultural research is important.

8. Know how to stay safe

Building on the idea of doing research when going on a trip alone, you should also look up local scams and safety concerns to be aware of while traveling independently.

For instance, if visiting NYC solo you should be aware that there are unofficial cabs at the airport that will help you “skip the taxi line” by getting into their private black car — and then they’ll take the scenic route and you’ll end up with a hefty bill.

Being aware of these types of scams can help you stay safe and just have an overall better time taking a trip by yourself.

Additionally, I recommend packing a few travel safety essentials and keeping the usual practical safety tips in mind, like not walking alone at night and always keeping an eye on your drink if you’re at a bar.

If you’re a US citizen, it’s also wise to sign up for the free Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. This allows you to enroll your trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. When you do this, you’ll:

  • Receive important information about safety conditions in your destination
  • Make it easier for the embassy to contact you if there is an emergency like a natural disaster, civil unrest, or a family emergency
  • Make it easier for loved ones to contact you if there is an emergency
woman hiking alone in Virginia
Going on a solo hike in Virginia. Photo via Jessie Festa.

9. Make an emergency booklet to stay safe

All of the important numbers we need on a day-to-day basis are stored in our phones, but what happens if you no longer have access?

It’s a little old school, but prior to your trip grab a small notebook from the dollar store and drop all of the important information you need in it. Go beyond the obvious emergency contacts and make sure you have:

  • Your passport information
  • Hotel name, number, and address
  • Embassy and/or consulate address, phone number, and emergency contact
  • Travel insurance policy number and contact information

Essentially write down anything you might need if you were in an emergency situation but couldn’t access your phone. Hopefully you won’t have to use it, but it could be a lifesaver if you do.

Personally, I also like to save a folder with this information, as well as copies of my passport, license, and credit cards, securely to the cloud. This way, even if I lose my phone, I can still access it from another device.

10. Read bad hotel reviews before booking accommodation

People tend to write reviews for two reasons: they had an awful time and want to make sure no one makes that mistake again, or they had an amazing time and want to spread the word. Rarely do they review about a mediocre time.

While standard solo travel advice tells you to pick somewhere with awesome reviews (you should!), also make sure you read the bad ones.

You want to overlook the personal bias and watch for consistency. If every review mentions bad WiFi and you need to get work done on your trip, you might want to skip that property.

Of course, also pay attention to any reviews that mention safety concerns. When it comes to solo traveling tips, nothing is more important than paying attention to personal safety. Nothing.

Oh, and bonus tip: it’s wise to opt for an accommodation near the city center so you can walk to as many attractions as possible to save on public transportation and taxi costs.

solo female travel usa plano texas
Make sure to read reviews before booking your hotel. Photo via Jessie Festa.

11. Schedule your flight to arrive during the day

One piece of advice for traveling solo is to schedule your flight so that you arrive when the sun is still shining.

You’ll feel a lot safer, especially if you’ll be taking public transportation to get to your accommodation.

Plus, it gives you some time to get acquainted with your destination and ease out of your comfort zone.

12. Get travel insurance

When it comes to solo travel tips, this is one of the most important. Travel insurance should be non-negotiable regardless of how you’re traveling so that you’re protected in case anything bad happens.

However, when you’re figuring out how to vacation alone, the travel insurance safety net is not only comforting but it can help you save money in the long run.

Just make sure you read the terms and conditions before choosing a plan, because some activities aren’t covered. For instance, many plans don’t cover extreme sports or activities that take place above a certain altitude.

Personally, my favorite travel and medical insurance is SafetyWing, as they’ve got a large network and offer both short-term and long-term coverage — including coverage if you’re traveling for months as well as limited coverage in your home country.

Additionally, SafetyWing is budget-friendly and offers $250,000 worth of coverage with just one low overall deductible of $250.

Click here to price out travel insurance for your trip in just a few clicks.

13. Download helpful solo travel apps

No guide sharing tips for traveling alone would be complete without mentioning apps. Tech can definitely be your friend during a lone travel experience. A few to download include:

  • Google Maps – an invaluable app for getting around both at home and on the road
  • CouchSurfing – this popular app for solo travelers allows you to stay on local couches for free and meetup with locals and other travelers in your destination
  • HerHouse – this platform makes it easy for women traveling alone to connect with background checked female hosts for free homestays, house sits, and house swaps
  • Meetup – meet people who share your common interests in your solo travel destination
  • Facebook – join Facebook groups focused on the destination you’re visiting and see if people want to meet up
  • SoloTrvlr – an online platform with trusted travel advice — by women, for women
  • TripIt – keep your travel itinerary organized in one place
  • Emergency App – one of my favorite travel safety apps
  • Currency – quickly and easily convert local currency so you know how much you’re paying in your home currency
  • Uber (or the local equivalent) – it’s smart to download a ridesharing app, especially since in some countries hailing a taxi off the street isn’t considered safe

One quick note of caution when meeting people in real life: while most people will have good intentions, there may be times where people try to turn your meetup into a date. I’ve had this happen a few times, though fortunately I’ve never felt unsafe.

My solo travel advice here would be to always meet in a public place and, if possible, make it a group outing. You might also mention that you have a partner back home — even if you don’t — in an attempt to weed out anyone trying to make things romantic (though of course some still might).

By the way, I actually have a crazy CouchSurfing story. Don’t worry, it ended up being totally fine and I’m a huge fan of this app:

14. Learn a few words in the local language

Language learning doesn’t come easy to everyone, but it does help to learn a few words in the local language.

Sure, you’ll pick up a few things as you go along; but, learning simple phrases can get you a lot further.

Some you might want to practice up on include:

  • Hello
  • Thank you
  • Where is the bathroom?
  • How much does this cost?
  • Goodbye
  • No — this is an important phrase for solo travelers, particularly when it comes to personal safety

Of course, that’s just the tip of the iceberg — the more you know, the better.

Some great advice for solo travelers is to download Google Translate and a language pack, which allows you to use the app offline. Additionally, install a fun gamified language learning app, like Duolingo!

15. Plan for you

The only thing you really need to take away from any travel alone guide is that the experience is all about you.

You don’t have to get the prettiest pictures, have the best travel stories, and do what everyone else does. Your goal is to do and see the things that you want to.

If that means visiting the same museum three days in a row because you couldn’t get enough, eating at the same restaurant the entire trip, or skipping the Eiffel Tower because you’re not into touristy things — do it. It’s all fair game.

Basically, don’t feel like you have to conform to what everyone on Instagram is saying. It’s your trip, enjoy it however you choose.

16. Pack light but smart

You only want to pack what you’re going to use. It can be challenging to determine this on your first solo trip, but you want to minimize your packing list as much as possible.

Nothing sours a trip faster than losing your checked bag before you even get there — so if you can pack carry-on only, it’s a great advantage. This is especially true if you are destination hopping or if your flight has stopovers.

A few tips for solo travelers:

  • Opt for garments that can be used for multiple purposes (like a large scarf shawl that can also be an airplane blanket or hidden pocket garments that function as clothing and a purse)
  • Choose a color palette for garments that you can mix and match
  • Opt for function over fashion — unless you’re traveling for a specific high-class event, you don’t need heels
  • Use compression packing cubes to save space (I love these from Cambond)
  • Only bring one week of clothes and do laundry if going on a longer trip

Even if you can’t narrow it down, make sure your baggage isn’t weighed down by unnecessary items and definitely leave your valuables at home. It’s just one less thing to worry about.

travel scarf with hidden pockets
These stylish pickpocket-proof scarves help solo travelers hide their valuables. Photo via Speakeasy Travel Supply.

17. Bring a book along

Introverted? One of the best solo travel tips for introverts (and extroverts) is to bring a book along with you. 

A book can be the best companion, especially when dining alone or as a distraction if it’s your first time flying alone.

Popping open a book on the table and enjoying a solo meal is one of the pleasures of taking a trip alone that everyone should experience. It’s useful for when you’re waiting, eating, or otherwise have a little time to kill.

It can also indicate to other travelers that you’re alone and make for a great conversation starter.

Essential Tips For Traveling On Your Own During The Trip

18. Ask your hotel for a few safety essentials

These include:

  • The hotel’s business card (or a piece of paper with the name and address)
  • An annotated map letting you know where is and isn’t safe to wander alone

Even if you know the name of your hotel, that doesn’t mean the local taxi drivers do. In case you’re ever in a situation where you need to get away, it’s smart to have the address of your accommodation written down somewhere to quickly give to a driver in the event of an emergency.

Additionally, an annotated map is a great reference so you’re always clear on where and where not to go solo.

19. Share plans with a loved one

One of the most basic traveling alone tips is to make sure you share your plans with your loved ones. It’s important that someone knows where you are — even if that someone is back home.

Additionally, make sure you have an emergency plan in place. Your safety is important.

While traveling by yourself is an amazing experience, you want to make sure you can easily contact your loved ones if something unexpected occurs.

woman traveling solo in the Galapagos Islands
Always let loved ones back home know what you’ll be doing while traveling solo. Photo via Jessie Festa.

20. Start your day early

In most cases, you’ll find the smallest crowds and best chances for photo opportunities earlier in the day — think before anyone’s finished their breakfast.

This also tends to be the coolest time of the day to safely travel around. Try to stay inside or in the shade during peek sun hours if you’re traveling to a warmer destination, and don’t travel alone at night.

21. Bring the perfect solo selfie camera

One downside of traveling on your own is it’s tough to take your own photo — though it’s not impossible!

A few options for solo travelers include:

The latter is how I capture fun travel photos with myself in the picture — even if I’m solo tripping.

Here is a sample video and here is an example of a photo:

taking a selfie in Mexico while successfully traveling solo
Taking a solo selfie with my Insta360 camera + invisible selfie stick. Photo via Jessie Festa.

22. Learn how to cook the local cuisine

When researching local things to do when traveling alone, make sure that some of the experiences revolve around food. One of the best souvenirs you can give yourself from a trip is the gift of local cuisine.

Cooking classes offer a great opportunity to learn how to make something new, meet the locals, and take something back home with you. You can use your new-found skills to share your experience with family, ignite special memories, and enjoy a delicious meal. Plus, the more you practice, the better you’ll get!

One platform to check out for food experiences while vacationing alone is EatWith, which allows you to dine in local homes, take cooking classes in local kitchens, and book food tours led by locals around the world. It’s a really great way to meet people and other solo travelers, too.

Of course, you can also dive into other facets of local culture when on a trip alone. Consider your own unique interests, and explore them locally.

For instance, if you’re interested in art, you might take a fresco-making class in Florence, a calligraphy class in China, or an Ikebana (flower arranging) class in Japan.

23. Make a solo travel scavenger hunt of it

Here is a creative addition to our list of tips when traveling alone. Building a scavenger hunt can be a great way to give you direction, even if you’re feeling a little lost.

There’s no right or wrong way to do this, but a few ideas for solo travelers include:

  • Trying to check off all the best bookstores in the city if you’re a bibliophile
  • Making a unique souvenir list and trying to hunt everything down
  • Becoming the ultimate foodie by sampling all the top restaurants in the area
  • Aiming to spend time alone on the beach in as many places as possible
  • Booking an actual scavenger hunt in your destination on a platform like Viator

It’s a great way to edge yourself out of your comfort zone without jumping into the deep end. And who doesn’t love a little competition — even if it is against yourself?

woman exploring the beach while learning how to travel solo successfully in Mexico
On a hunt to visit the best beaches while traveling solo in Mexico. Photo via Jessie Festa.

24. Make friends while traveling solo

There’s no one right answer for how to solo travel, but I can tell you that going on holiday alone doesn’t need to mean being lonely. In fact, for those that love to meet new people, there are ways to do this while traveling alone.

You can encourage yourself to meet people, including other solo travelers, by:

  • Staying in hostels and shared accommodations
    • Keep in mind, many hostels have private rooms, so if you’re hosteling later in life you can still keep your privacy and take advantage of common spaces for socializing
  • Joining a local walking tour and chatting with those around you
  • Checking out popular local digital nomad hangouts
  • Using travel apps meant for socializing — like CouchSurfing, which has city-specific forums where you can meet up with locals and other travelers
  • Eating and cooking in local homes through EatWith
  • Meeting locals that share similar interests on

A quick story:

When spending my 25th birthday in Mendoza while traveling solo, I was worried I’d end up alone for the night; however, after posting a message on CouchSurfing asking if anyone wanted to celebrate with me, I ended up having 11 people take me out for dinner and dancing.

These complete strangers turned into friends, and to this day it is one of my favorite birthday experiences!

25. Watch your drinking

Speaking of nights out, one of the best solo trip tips is to curb your alcohol use.

As mentioned a few times in the previous travel alone tips, personal safety should be of utmost importance for solo travelers. You want to make sure you’re never in a position where someone can easily take advantage of you.

When you do opt for an adult beverage, watch it carefully and cover the top of the glass with your hand so that nobody can lace it when you’re not looking.

This solo travel advice isn’t meant to scare you. Almost everyone you meet while traveling on your own while likely be kind; however, the reality is you can’t trust everyone. Keep yourself safe.

having a cocktail on a solo trip to Latvia
Having a cocktail at the Skyline Bar while traveling solo in Riga. Photo via Jessie Festa.

26. Get a local SIM card

Unless you purchase an unlimited plan for your phone carrier, using the internet while roaming can be extremely expensive.

That’s where a local SIM card comes in. One of the best tips for solo travel is to ensure you have phone access in an emergency situation or when you need directions. I can’t tell you how many tours I’ve almost been late to because I couldn’t find the meeting point without the help of Google Maps.

Many countries have inexpensive SIM cards and budget-friendly pay-as-you-go plans. You can usually grab these at the airport or local convenience store and set them up with Wi-Fi.

27. Choose alternative meal times

Now let’s discuss solo travel tips for dining alone. One thing to note is that the best restaurants are often booked up around traditional meal times.

Instead of a nice evening dinner, try a lunch or even brunch — which allows you to savor the same food with less of a crowd.

Just keep in mind that typical mealtimes may be different than your home country, so research the local customs so you’re aware of when people tend to eat.

28. Sit at the bar when dining alone

When you go on vacation alone, one concern might be what to do during meal times. Is it weird for solo travelers to eat at a restaurant on their own?

First off, no, it’s not weird. I’ve eaten at tables on my own plenty of times, though I do think it’s less awkward to eat at the bar.

Bonus: if you’re in the mood to chat, you’ll have the bartender and potentially other bar patrons to talk to.

woman dining alone in Mexico
Don’t feel awkward about solo dining – you’ll be totally fine. Photo via Jessie Festa.

29. Focus on supporting local

Sustainable tourism refers to traveling in a way that positively impacts the people and environments of the places we visit — which also includes supporting the local economy.

And one of the best ways to do this is to shop local. The more you can purchase souvenirs, food, and experiences from local vendors, the more likely your tourism dollars are to stay in and benefit the community.

Plus, items are often much more meaningful when you can meet the people making them and learn their stories.

30. Listen to your gut

When traveling the world alone, realize that your gut will be your best guide.

Your intuition is almost always right. This is especially important in situations where you feel uncomfortable. Even if it means being impolite, always trust that feeling in your gut.

31. Strengthen your relationship with yourself

Traveling solo to find yourself is very common. This makes total sense, as one major benefit of traveling alone is you learn to be with yourself — and enjoy your own company.

Get to know yourself better, allow time for self care, and slow down to just enjoy the moment as much as possible.

This is also a great time to bring a travel journal to really dig into your thoughts and feelings from the trip. Very likely, you’ll learn something new about yourself!

woman enjoying some alone time on a solo trip to Virginia
Enjoying my alone time on a solo trip to Virginia. Photo via Jessie Festa.

Packing Essentials For Solo Travel

Now that we’ve covered some top tips to travel alone, it’s time to discuss packing.

Along with any clothing, accessories, and toiletries you’ll want for your holiday by yourself, you should also pack a few travel safety essentials and practical items for solo travelers like:

Best Solo Trips For Women

If you’re wondering “Where should I travel alone?” this list can help! A few of the best solo travel destinations include:

colorful buildings at sunset in Merida, Mexico
Merida, Mexico at sunset. Photo via María Regina Díaz for Pexels.

Merida, Mexico

Mexico has a reputation as being an unsafe destination, but that’s not an accurate picture. In fact, there are many great places in Mexico to travel alone — like Merida.

Merida is the bustling capital city of Yucatan state, and is widely considered to be one of the safest cities in Mexico.

It’s an affordable destination that offers you the hustle and bustle of the city as well as an idyllic Mexican beach experience in nearby Progreso.

If you’re solo traveling as a digital nomad, Merida is home to a thriving community of expats living and working abroad and there are plenty of ways to make friends. 

cobbled streets of Dublin, Ireland
Charming street in Dublin, Ireland. Photo via Mark Dalton for Pexels.

Dublin, Ireland

Solo travel in Ireland can be an incredible experience, and no trip to this island would be complete without some time in Dublin.

Home to friendly locals and a gorgeous cityscape, it’s an ideal destination — especially as Dublin boasts a plethora of cultural and historical sites for solo female travelers to explore.

On a solo trip to Dublin, make sure to visit Dublin Castle, shop along Grafton street, and peruse art, history, and archeology in the National Museum of Ireland.

This city is particularly known for its pub life, so you can expect a lively scene after dark, especially in the famous Temple Bar District.

In terms of timing, there is a lot to do and see, so it’s recommended to spend 4 days in Dublin or more to really take it all in.

Don’t forget to bring your camera since Dublin offers a lot of photo opportunities. It’s truly one of the most memorable places to travel solo in Europe!

Hatley Castle in Victoria BC. Photo via Vlad Vasnetsov for Pexels.

Victoria, Canada

Canada has a lot of beautiful places to explore as a solo female traveler, depending on the time of year you visit; but if Pacific island life piques your interest, Victoria is the place.

You’ll want to visit in the spring or summer to take advantage of the gorgeous greenery and warmer weather.

There are many fun and unique things to do in Victoria. Stroll through the gardens at Hatley Castle, watch the boats come in from the wharf, and grab a delicious seaside bite to eat.

When you’re done, you can take a ferry ride to Seattle or Vancouver!

women walking through the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, Japan
Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, Japan. Photo via Eva Bronzini for Pexels.

Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto is considered to be the cultural capital of Japan, offering a little bit of everything for the female traveling solo.

Not only does it offer gorgeous gardens, delicious food, and rich cultural experiences, but you can take a peek at some truly amazing Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines.

Take in the jaw-dropping architecture and bask in the lush greenery and wonderful mountain backdrops.

March and April are especially beautiful months to visit as the city’s stunning cherry blossom trees are in full bloom.

Solo female traveler visiting Bali’s Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang Hindu temple. Photo via Victoria Dovzhuk for Pexels.

Bali, Indonesia

Traveling solo in Bali is a dream. One of the world’s most sought-after destinations, it’s also affordable, safe, and fun.

There is so much to do and see for solo female travelers. Relax in a Bali flower bath, explore the stunning rice fields, relax on beautiful beaches, and visit the many temples that help give the destination its nickname “Island of the Gods.”

If you have at least 7 days in Bali, you might also choose to hire a guide to do an epic sunrise hike like Mount Batur or Mount Agung.

Quick tip: if visiting this incredible place, do a bit of research into when to go to Bali. For instance, if you’ll be doing a lot of outdoor activities or riding a motorbike to get around, you may want to avoid the rainy season.

Other Top Solo Travel Destinations

A few other great places to visit on your first solo trip abroad include:

You can check out this solo female travel guide for a full list of recommended solo trips and tips.

woman walking the beach while traveling solo in the Eastern Shores
Solo travel can be a fun and rewarding experience. Photo via Jessie Festa.

Solo Travel Planning Resources

While the above tips for traveling solo are a great starting point, here are some bonus solo travel guides:

You can find additional resources in this in-depth guide to traveling solo. Read it, and soon enough you’ll be a pro at taking trips alone!

Final Thoughts On How To Travel Solo Successfully

The most important piece of advice in any guide to solo travel is that you plan the vacation YOU want, and feel comfortable and confident along your journey.

Learning how to enjoy going on a vacation alone might come quickly, or it might take a few days. There’s no right or wrong answer.

Whether you’re pushing through a series of solo USA road trips or flying across the world, making sure you plan ahead and go at your own pace will ensure you have the best experience. When it comes to tips on traveling alone, this is the most important one to remember.

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