31 Travel Journal Prompts + Creative Travel Journal Ideas
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Looking for travel journal prompts and creative travel journal ideas?
Then you’re in the right place!
Especially right now as travel is limited and people are searching for ways to travel at home, such as through relaxing staycations, keeping a travel journal can be a great way to relive your favorite trip memories.
Moreover, it can keep travel alive, allow you to explore the world from home, and help you stay curious.
Keep reading for a list of fun journal writing prompts related to travel as well as tips for creating something tangible that truly helps you feel inspired.
Downloadable Travel Journal PDF
Before we dive into the post, though, I want to offer you the chance to grab my free printable travel journal.
The trip journal includes 56 prompts in total.
This inspiring printable and fillable journal is great for exercising your creativity while traveling from home as you remember your favorite trips.
Grab it, and then feel free to message me on Instagram (@jessieonajourney) to let me know which travel journal writing prompts were your favorite and why.
I plan to update the journal in the future — and you’ll get any revisions I make — so your feedback is appreciated!
What Is A Travel Journal?
A travel journal is a place where you can document your trip memories, whether you’re spending 7 days in Cancun, going on a solo USA road trip, off completing the world’s best hiking trails, or something else.
These can be paper or digital, bound or looseleaf, thin or thick. And— when it comes to how to write in a travel journal — it can include just text or a variety of mediums.
The point is, it offers a way to record what happens to you on the road — though you’re welcome to take your entries and give them a fictional twist for fun!
Choosing Your Travel Journal
I may be a little biased, but if you’re looking for the best travel journal with prompts, I recommend grabbing my free printable journal here.
Because I made it fillable, you can also use it as a travel journal online!
Additionally, there are loads of inspiring options online if you’d prefer to purchase one. On Amazon, I love this vegan leather option as well as this mindful travel journal.
Creative Travel Journal Ideas
Wondering how to be creative in your journal?
First of all, remember that a journal doesn’t just have to be writing. Use markers, paints, stickers, glitter, and even momentos from your travels to really bring the text to life.
Of course, don’t forget about travel-themed accents, too, like stamps, tickets, postcards, and maps — you can even cut out sections of a map to showcase your favorite destinations.
If you’re artistic, you might also consider bullet journaling and other techniques to make your journal more visual.
In terms of keeping your travel writing fresh, having details to pull from can be a huge help.
When possible, try to experience a place with all five senses so you have more to draw from later. I personally like to take notes right after any experience I think I may write about later.
Keep in mind, being fully present in this way is also just an overall healthy practice.
If you’re having trouble remembering details, try to sit in silence and do a visualization. Personally, when I do this exercise I aim to not only see myself in a place, but to put myself back in the place so that I am seeing the scene through my own eyes.
Feeling writer’s block?
Sometimes all that it takes is a change of scenery to get inspired again. Try going for a walk or trying a new cafe to see if that helps.
If not, put the journal away, give yourself some mental space, and pick it back up tomorrow.
And if you’re proud of what you’ve written, feel free to post it on social media, share it in an email with friends or, of course, keep it to yourself.
How To Keep A Travel Journal: Quick Tips
As an avid journaler myself, these are some of my personal tips for having fun, feeling creative, and staying inspired while writing.
One thing:
As with travel tips and trip styles, everyone has their own process when it comes to journaling, and something that works for me may not work for you. Feel free to try out this advice, keep what works, and let go of what doesn’t.
Overall, the goal is that you get something beneficial out of these pages.
Tip #1: Journal when you feel most creative.
For instance, you might choose some mindful ways to start your day and have completing daily journal prompts be one of your morning rituals.
However, if you find you feel more creative in the afternoon or evening, plan your writing for then.
Tip #2: Don’t edit as you write.
Allow your first draft to be all about getting your ideas and thoughts down onto the paper and getting into a creative flow state.
You can always tweak things later.
Tip #3: Remember the power of lists.
This is one of my favorite trip journal ideas!
Writing in lists can be helpful when you’re:
- having trouble getting started
- wondering what things to put in a travel journal
- feeling like your sentences just aren’t flowing together
This way, you can at least get your ideas down and edit them together in a cohesive manner later on.
Tip #4: Write stories.
While this isn’t mandatory, those who are curious how to write a travel journal that’s worth reading should consider writing your thoughts as stories instead of in a stream-of-conscious fashion.
To write a story, make sure you have a beginning, middle, and end. Actually, if you really want to do it right, you should also consider character, plot, setting, and tension.
For a lesson in storytelling, make sure to check out this video on how to improve your creative storytelling skills for more engaging writing:
Tip #5: Go beyond text.Wondering what to put in a travel journal?
Realize there is no right or wrong answer to this question!
Keep it text-based, or add paintings, drawings, stickers, momentos from your trip, and more.
Personally, I’ve started writing out my journal entries and then drawing them to add some additional creativity and really bring the pages to life.
The Best Travel Journal Apps
Prefer a digital journal option over paper?
There is an app for that!
I’ve talked about my favorite travel safety apps before, but here are a few of my favorite apps for keeping a travel journal:
Travel Diaries. This free app allows you to create both public and private journals. The layouts are customizable, and you can easily add text, photos, and even maps.
One really neat feature of this app:
You can turn your travel diary into a physical creation to be shipped to your home!
Day One Journal. This is another great travel journal app that makes it simple to record your memories using photos, videos, drawings, and even audio recordings.
The “On This Day” feature allows you to go back in time to revisit your favorite trip moments, while automatic backups ensure your content never gets lost.
Unique app feature:
You can handwrite in your journal using your finger or Apple Pencil.
This travel app has both free and paid premium versions.
Polarsteps. Dubbed “the personal travel log in your pocket,” Polarsteps is an app that helps you plan your trips as well as record them along the way in a visually-appealing manner.
In fact, this app puts an emphasis on adding experiences to maps and using video to document, so you can really bring your trips back to life later on.
A feature I love:
You can turn your travel memories into a stunning hardcover book to keep!
Unique Travel Journal Examples
Looking for some travel journal inspiration?
Here are some mood boards with journal examples to help get your creative juices flowing.
These are also helpful if you’re wanting to learn how to make a travel journal.
By the way:
Check out the bottom right photo in the top collage if you’re looking for travel journal layout ideas.
Travel Writing Prompts – Quick Picker
If you’re like me and often feel indecisive when choosing a prompt, I’ve got a fun little tool that can help:
The above video moves through the list of writing prompts quickly.
To use it as a quick picker, press play, turn your gaze down, and then stop the video at a random moment.
Then, voilà, you’ve got your travel writing prompt chosen for you!
31 Travel Journal Prompts
Whether you’re physically traveling or at home dreaming of the road, use these travel prompts for your journal.
I love these prompts for when I’m feeling stuck and am searching for things to write in a travel journal:
1. Remember a time when you met people while traveling that felt like family. Describe your time with them in great detail.
2. Write a postcard to a friend from a place you’ve loved visiting.
3. Think about a problem that exists in travel. Now, invent a solution to the problem. Hey, could this journal help you come up with your next million-dollar idea?
4. If you could go on a trip with anyone, dead or alive, who would you go with? Where would you go and what would you do?
5. Share a time you were lost or that you lost something while traveling.
6. How has travel changed or shaped you? Note: This is one of my favorite self-discovery journal prompts!
7. Start your travel story with the following: “It was a dark and stormy night…”
8. What is the first vacation memory that comes to mind? Come up with your memory in 10 seconds or less!
9. Think back to the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to. Now, describe it using all five senses.
10. Write about a multi-destination trip — from the perspective of your backpack.
11. What is a sticky situation you’ve gotten out of on the road? Hint: Allow this to also be a reminder of your strength!
12. What is a fear you’ve overcome while traveling? How?
13. Take your story from the previous prompt about overcoming a fear while traveling and rewrite it from the perspective of an onlooker.
14. What has been your craziest transportation experience?
15. Write a review of the best hotel you’ve ever stayed in.
16. Write a review of the worst hotel you’ve ever stayed in using humor.
17. Write a letter of gratitude to someone who showed you an act of kindness on the road.
18. Write about the last trip you took — from the perspective of yourself in the year 2600.
19. Write about a hike you loved doing using all five senses.
20. “Travel makes me feel _____.” Why?
21. Write about a trip you took last year from the perspective of your favorite book or movie character.
22. What is the biggest lesson that travel has taught you? Share a story that brings this to life.
23. Pretend that you were given an extra day on a trip you loved. What would that day have looked like?
24. Choose a trip you haven’t written about yet. Now choose a different time period, and write about the trip as if it happened in that time period.
25. In your opinion, what is the biggest misconception about travel?
26. Think back to an interesting conversation you’ve had while traveling and begin your story with that dialogue.
27. Transport yourself to a beautiful beach you’ve visited. Suddenly, a message in a bottle washes up onto the shore. What does it say? How do you react?
28. Here is a road trip journal idea! Write about a road trip you went on, but have someone else from the trip be the narrator. Hint: If you traveled solo, have the car or an onlooker be the narrator.
29. Think of a time you went on a trip that took you out of your comfort zone. Write the end of the story, then the middle, then the beginning.
30. What is one piece of advice you’ve been told by a local while traveling? Have you applied it to your life? Why/why not?
31. If you were to write a travel memoir, what would the first chapter look like?
Bonus: Pair Your Journal Prompts With Self-Care
In my opinion, the best way to enjoy time spent journaling is by pairing it with other self-care activities.
In the video above, I share my top 10 favorite self-care tips and rituals for travelers — though they can also be enjoyed at home!
My recommendation:
Make a day of it! Use the journal prompts and the self-care rituals to create your own DIY retreat.
Want more travel-themed prompts?
Don’t forget to grab my free downloadable Inspired Storyteller Travel Journal — featuring inspiring quotes, writing tips, and 56 fun prompts to help you recount your favorite trip memories and write creatively.