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Frequently Asked Questions

Me, in Jordan

Me, in Jordan

Can’t find the answer to your question here? Get in touch via the contact form below. I look forward to hearing from you!

Q: I’m new to the site. Where should I begin?

Welcome to Jessie on a Journey! I’m so happy you’ve find my little travel corner of the web. To help you get started, I’ve created an Editor’s Picks page with some of my most popular posts. This is a great place to start your exploration of the site (and the world).

Q: I want to travel solo but I’m scared? What can I do to successfully take the leap?

Just do it. Think about how your fears are inhibiting you — how they’re making you miss out on life-enhancing and -changing experiences — and book that flight. There are a number of essential tips for overcoming your travel fears, as well as things you can do to master the art of solo travel.

Q: What’s it like traveling solo as a female?

I’ve learned a lot from traveling solo as a female. Moreover, solo female travel has truly changed my life (and can change yours, too, if you take the leap!).

Q: Is it hard to make friends on the road, especially when you’re traveling alone?

This is how to make friends when traveling solo.

Q: How many countries have you been to?

I don’t know (and don’t care to). Here’s why.

Q: What’s your favorite country?

I don’t have one, as it really depends on numerous factors, mainly where I’ve just been and my mood at the time. Learn more about my feelings on this topic here.

Q: What are your favorite travel apps and technologies?

My favorite apps are ones that make travel more social. I’m also big on photography apps — as I’m a blogger and photographer — like Instagram, Pinterest, Snapseed and ProHDR. This all being said, sometimes I feel like technology might be ruining travel, as we spend too much time looking at screens and too little time being connected to where they are.

Q: I love adventure. What are some are your favorite adrenaline rush experiences?

There are so so so many great adventures to have around the world, although the answer to this will largely depend on your definition of “adventure.” Some of my favorite thrills have been:

Q: I’d love to get paid to travel the world! How can I do this, too?

Click here for everything you’ll need to become a professional travel and get paid to travel the world. [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]