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How To Survive The First Day Of Your Trip

The first day of a trip usually means joy and excitement, but it can also be a darn tiring day: waiting at the airport, trying to find your way around a new city, getting settled at a new ho(s)tel, discovering that you’ve forgotten to pack something. Of course, you can’t foresee all that can go…Read more...

Is There Really Such A Thing As A Bad Travel Destination?

If I was offered a free trip to an unspecified destination, I would accept without hesitation. It doesn’t matter to me if it was a third world country, a tropical paradise, a hiker’s haven or a futuristic city, as all travel destinations have something to teach you. For me, one city that really got me…Read more...

How To Pack For An African Safari

There’s something about a safari that can turn even the most laid back traveler into a ‘packzilla’ of epic proportions. People who would normally just throw a few clothes into a backpack start to fret about what colors will avoid scaring animals, what materials will best repel mosquitoes and what shoes will be comfortable. Additionally,…Read more...
el chalten

Why You Should Choose A Destination You’ve Never Heard Of

There are a number of travel tips that are widely talked about, like eating street food and staying in hostels to save money, using CouchSurfing to meet locals, and opting for local restaurants over venues with English-speaking menus for a more budget-friendly and culturally immersive experience. One tip I feel is important but isn’t discussed…Read more...

How To Apply For A Tourist Visa (Without The Help Of A Service)

When planning a trip, there’s nothing I hate more than finding out I need to get a visa, especially when I can’t obtain the visa at the border. For many, applying for a visa for their destination country can be a daunting process, especially if they don’t have much experience doing so. You question whether…Read more...

What To Do When Your Travel Destination Feels Too Much Like Home

Sometimes it happens. You’re excited to go on a trip to a faraway destination, away from the fast-food chains, honking taxicabs and hoards of English speakers. However, despite looking forward to culture shock, when you get there you feel as if you never left home. The truth is, you can usually drive to the next…Read more...


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