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10 Reasons to Visit Ghana, Africa

When planning a vacation, it isn’t too often you hear people choosing Ghana as their must-visit destination. In reality, there are many unique and worthwhile experiences to be had in this African country. Moreover, there are many incredible destinations in Ghana to explore. Before I visited, I was unsure what to expect, as I didn’t…Read more...

Fun And Games In Ghana: De be De be

When I was doing a homestay in Ghana, Africa, I loved learning what kinds of games the children played and seeing how they were similar and different from what I played when I was a child. One favorite of the girls was a hand game called “De be De be”, which is similar to the American…Read more...

13 Lessons Learned From Visiting Different Cultures and Countries

No matter where I travel to, from rural villages in Thailand to picturesque mountain-towns in Switzerland to laid-back islands like Aruba, I always seem to make some philosophical and personal revelations about travel, life, and myself. Here are some of my top lessons learned from other cultures and places during my travels.   Ghana, Africa…Read more...

Elephant Trekking in Chiang Mai, Thailand…Is it Moral?

Update: Since originally writing this article in 2011, I have formed a very different opinion and firmly believe elephant trekking is not something tourists should participate in when visiting Thailand. I highly recommend reading Wildlife Tourism In Thailand: An Elephant-Sized Controversy and Irresponsible Tourism: 7 “Attractions” Promoting Animal Cruelty from my own online magazine, Epicure…Read more...

Conga Lines at Church in Ghana, Africa

  Before going to Ghana, Africa,  I had been told that I absolutely had to attend a church service as it is an amazing event. Moreover, all of the children at the home were very devote Christians, and I wanted to be a part of something that was special to them. Demet, another volunteer, and…Read more...

1,2,3 Go! Eating Snail in Ghana, Africa

Snail hunting. It was one of the children’s favorite activities when I did a homestay in Ghana, Africa. We’d wait until dark, grab flashlights and buckets, and collect as many snails as we could find. For me, it was a way to bond with the children and help out; for them, it was a fun way…Read more...

Why You Should Study Abroad

It’s already been almost 4 years since I studied abroad, and I still look at it as one of the top 3 most enriching experiences I’ve had in my life. Whenever I meet people who are still in college, my first question, even before “What is your major?” is “Are you going to studying abroad?”.…Read more...


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