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Why I Don’t Know (Or Care) How Many Countries I’ve Been To

As someone who’s on the road at least once per month, I’m often asked how many cities I’ve been to. “I have no idea,” is my response. “Well, how many countries then?” “Not a clue.” “Aren’t you at all curious how many places you’ve been to?” Not really. Obviously I could sit down and map…Read more...

Is There Really Such A Thing As A Bad Travel Destination?

If I was offered a free trip to an unspecified destination, I would accept without hesitation. It doesn’t matter to me if it was a third world country, a tropical paradise, a hiker’s haven or a futuristic city, as all travel destinations have something to teach you. For me, one city that really got me…Read more...

Modern Travel: But What About When You Don’t Want WiFi?

I know what you’re thinking. But, how you could you not want WiFi? People today seem to forget how to be human once they’re disconnected from Facebook and Instagram. And while you’d expect this kind of overstimulated behavior in places like New York, London and Tokyo, the addiction has spread to remote places outside these…Read more...


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