Remote Volunteers Needed: 53 Easy Ways To Volunteer From Home
Remote volunteers needed! Here are 53 easy ways to volunteer from home so you can help save and change lives right from your couch. Read more...
How To Volunteer While Learning Spanish In Nicaragua
Spanish schools in Nicaragua abound, though not all are created equal. Learn how La Mariposa combines learning, volunteering & cultural exploration. Read more...
One Orphan’s Experience Growing Up Around Voluntourists In Kenya
Here’s what it’s really like to grow up in an orphanage in Kenya. Educate yourself on the truths of this negative tourism sector. Read more...
Why You Should Avoid Orphanage Volunteer Programs
Volunteering at an orphanage may sound noble, but your impact can do more harm than good. Here’s how you can actually help children and make a difference.Read more...
How One Traveler Is Bringing Literacy To Timbuktu & The Southern Sahara
It all started with the flip of a coin, literally. Now, intrepid traveler Barry Hoffner is building schools and bringing literacy to Timbuktu. Here’s how.Read more...
How A Trip To Thailand Inspired One Traveler To Start A Nonprofit
A placement in Northern Thailand led to a local encounter that would change one traveler’s life, and lead her to change the lives of others through Sundara. Read more...
Global Good: Your Ultimate Guide To Responsible Voluntourism
Dear Potential Volunteers, Do you want a great volunteer travel experience and truly want to help? 
But you don’t want to get involved with unethical practices or bad “voluntourism?” 
You want to “volunteer abroad” and that’s different, right? Unfortunately, it’s not. If you’re paying for the experience and not getting expenses covered, if you’re spending…Read more...
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