How To Make A Resource Page That Grows Your Blogging Income [Ep.76]
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Want to learn how to make a resource page for your blog?
Well, you’re in luck, as in this episode of The Profitable Travel Blogger Podcast, we’ll be focusing on how to write a resource page that serves your readers and helps you monetize your blog!
By the end of this episode, you’ll understand:
- What a resources page is
- How to write a resource list for your blog
- How to monetize a blog resource page
- Tips for sending traffic to your resource page
- And more!
In short, you’ll snag a full step-by-step strategy for successfully creating a blog resources page that leads to income.
How To Make A Resource Page For Your Blog [Podcast Episode Audio]
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Invite: How To Make Money As A Travel Blogger [Free Workshop]
While we’re on the topic of blog monetization, I’d love to invite you to my free workshop: 10 Powerful Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging.
During the 60-minute on-demand workshop, you’ll learn:
- Myths related to monetizing a blog (that may be holding you back!)
- Strategies for creating profitable content (so those blog posts, emails & social shares lead to income!)
- Tips for earning recurring passive revenue as a blogger (so your income grows even when you’re away from your laptop!)
- How to create products that you know your audience will buy (so you don’t waste your time!)
- Advice for growing your affiliate income (with a strategy that truly works!)
- And more!
Plus, your free ticket to this actionable workshop also includes a Q&A, limited-time replay, and special bonuses.
Click here to grab your seat in the free travel blog monetization workshop.
How To Make A Blog Resource Page [Episode Transcript]
Having an affiliate marketing strategy is a smart way to increase your income as a travel blogger.
And as I’ve shared in a number of past episodes, there are many different tactics you can use to increase your affiliate revenue – like creating a resources page or recommendations page for your blog.
If this concept is new to you, stay tuned, as I’ll be breaking down how to make a resource page that helps you make money travel blogging.
What is a blog resource page?
Put simply, it’s a page where you let your audience know what your favorite products and brands are.
And the way you can monetize this page is by using affiliate links when you promote these items.
Want a website resources page example? Here is a link to my own Travel Resources Page.
Now, what I want to do now is go step-by-step through how to create a resource page for your blog in the best possible way, so that you can really see success with this.
Let’s start with…
Step #1: Consider what your audience sees you as an expert on
If you want people to click on your blog resources page, people need to see you as an expert on a topic. Basically, they need to want to know what you recommend.
This is why it’s really important to have a clear blog brand – which involves having a defined mission statement where you know who your audience is and how you help them, and that you consistently make this clear through your annual content plan.
So, if your blog is all about helping travel photographers hone their skills, and you’re constantly sharing really helpful tips through your blog posts, emails, and social media shares, people are naturally going to say, “Hey, what camera do you use? What are your favorite lenses? What tools do you use to edit your photos?”
These are the types of items that would work perfectly in a resources page on your blog.
Now if you’re still figuring out your brand, don’t stress out. Just take this as a reminder of the power of having a niche site with a specific mission that you’re creating content around.
Okay, moving on to…
Step #2: Draft a list of products to include
When drafting a product list for a resources page on your website, really think about:
- The products and services you use and love in relation to your blog’s main topic
- The products and services that would benefit your audience
- The questions your audience asks you
For instance, as someone who blogs about solo female travel, I’m constantly getting asked for travel safety gear recommendations – meaning my resources page includes items like my favorite pickpocket-proof clothing and the personal alarm that I use.
Once you draft your product list, you can move on to…
Step #3: Do some keyword research
Now you don’t have to do keyword research – because you’ll be placing this page in a high visibility spot on your blog where readers will naturally see it anyway; however, doing keyword research can help you grow your traffic and get eyes on your resource page beyond your regular readers.
So, for instance, instead of simply titling it a Travel Resources Page, you might opt for a more specific, long-tail keyword. In fact, you might even choose to create a few blog resource pages, each optimized for a different keyword related to your blog’s mission.
For instance, as an adventurous solo female travel blogger, I might have Solo Travel Safety Essentials as one page, Best Solo Camping Gear as another, etc.
Again, you really want to think about your own blog brand and what makes sense for you, and also do a little keyword research to see if breaking these up into a few separate pages makes sense.
Whether you do the resource page as one page or a few, another benefit of doing keyword research is you get to see what questions and concerns people actually have – which can also help you choose what products to promote to help ease these questions and concerns.
Okay, moving on to…
Step #4: Apply to any necessary affiliate programs
Of course, along with helping your audience through your recommendations, another goal with your page is to earn affiliate income. So, make sure to apply to any programs that you’re not yet a part of.
Typically when you apply to an affiliate program, there is a place to leave a note in the application. Here, you might share that you’re a huge fan of their brand, and that you’re hoping to include them in a resources page that you’re creating for your blog.
This can help show that you’re a true fan of the brand and that you’re eager to start promoting them right away.
Next up, it’s time for…
Step #5: Collect visuals for your resources page
While you can simply add links to the page, you can make your blog resources page more enticing by including images.
You may have your own images for some of these products already, though you can also reach out to the brands to see if they have any you can use.
Typically, you’ll reach out via a brand’s press page if they have one. There might also be some visual assets in your affiliate program dashboard if you’re an affiliate for the brand.
You really shouldn’t just take images from a brand’s website, shop, or Amazon store. To protect yourself from potential legal action, it’s best to play it safe and just ask and actually get permission.
Okay, now let’s chat about…
Step #6: Create your blog resources page
What does a resource page look like?
There are actually many different ways to do this, so I recommend spending some time researching other blogger’s resource pages.
Personally I have mine set up in sections separated by topic like Travel Safety, Staying Connected, Travel Photography, etc.
In each section, the products are laid out in rows with three columns each. Each column has a product photo, a short description, and an affiliate link. Actually, I include an affiliate link in both the text (in bold) and the image to help increase clicks.
Note that one of the absolute most important things to include on your blog resources page is an affiliate disclosure at the very top of the page.
By law, you are required to disclose when you use affiliate links, and nobody should be able to click an affiliate link without realizing you have them on the page – which is why it’s imperative to have the disclosure at the top of the page.
So once your page is created, you can then move on to…
Step #7: Link the resources page from your homepage menu
Your homepage is the MVP of your site – as in, the Most Valuable Page. As I’ve shared in past episodes related to SEO, you want to get all of your blog posts no more than 2 clicks from the homepage.
In terms of a resources page, I recommend you link it right in your main menu. And if you have a few niche resource pages, you can simply have a menu item that reads “Resources” with a drop-down showcasing each one individually.
The other benefit is that your readers will see your menu as they read your blog posts. So if they love your content, they can easily find your resources page.
If you’re trying to optimize this page for SEO, you should also spend time growing backlinks to it.
Remember, backlinks help send authority to your important pages, which can help them rank in organic search results.
And finally, let’s discuss the last step in our how to write a resources page strategy…
Step #8: Update your resources page regularly
Taking the time to update older content is a general best practice for all of your blog posts and pages.
A big part of SEO and offering a great user experience is having up-to-date content. This also includes updating broken links.
Make it a habit to check your site for broken links once a quarter. You can use a plugin like Broken Link Checker to do this – I just recommend deleting it after you’re done, as the plugin is quite heavy.
Now before we sign off, I do want to answer a common question about creating a blog resource page, and that is:
Should I just link my Amazon Influencer Storefront?
So for anyone who is wondering “What is an Amazon Influencer Storefront,” Amazon actually has an influencer program where you can create and curate your own storefront.
It’s basically an extension of their regular affiliate program for qualifying creators and influencers, and you’re able to create your own page on Amazon with a URL to showcase the products you recommend to your followers.
It can help you make money with Amazon and it allows you to share this sort of hub with your affiliate links quickly, easily, verbally, and in places where links aren’t possible – like a podcast episode.
Of course, you can do whatever feels right to you and makes sense for your blogging business. If your Amazon Influencer Storefront is a big money maker for you and you’re regularly updating, optimizing, and promoting it, then sure, it might make sense to do that.
But, this can also limit you.
Personally, Amazon affiliate links are not part of my main affiliate strategy. I use them, but I’m way more likely to promote programs that have a higher payout.
Also, many products I use aren’t on Amazon, so for me – and for many other bloggers – it makes sense to create a brand new page that also has the benefit of keeping people on your website longer, vs leaving your website to peruse Amazon.
Alright, now I hope you enjoyed this episode. I hope you feel inspired and empowered to create a resources page that helps you grow your affiliate income while allowing you to share recommendations with your audience.
Don’t forget to grab access to the free 10 Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging workshop. If you’re looking to monetize your blog, this powerful training can help.
And of course, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss future episodes sharing these bite-sized strategies for bloggers who want to turn their blogs into profitable full-time blogging businesses.
Happy blogging!
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- How To Land Paid Press Trips As A Travel Blogger
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