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favorite country

Notes On Why I Hate When People Ask What My Favorite Country Is

Yesterday I went to open a new bank account. Thinking it would be quick and painless, I didn’t bring a book, snacks or iPhone (I know, crazy!) as I normally would. Silly me. After 42 minutes of watching one bank employee — in my head I called her Belinda — flirt mercilessly with her burning…Read more...
lao tzu

Notes On Being A Good Traveler, With No Intent On Arriving

I love this quote by Lao Tzu. To me, it’s not referring so much to the actual hotel and your bookings, but to a mindset of taking things as they come and being open to any outcome. It’s going on a trip and not knowing what exactly will happen, but appreciating the journey either way. When…Read more...

Memories Of Ghana: How A Challenging Trip Can Help You Grow

I have a seriously love/hate relationship with Ghana, Africa. Love because, well, I truly loved the country and my time spent there, living with a family, taking day trips, exploring markets and volunteering. Hate because it was truly the most challenging trip I’ve ever been on, from the lack of plumbing and electricity to the…Read more...
martial glacier

Notes On Measuring Travel In Friends Rather Than Miles

“A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles” – Tim Cahill Sometimes, I feel like I’m the only traveler on the planet who doesn’t love Rio de Janeiro. I know, I know. What’s wrong with me? I hiked Sugar Loaf and Pico Da Tijuca, ate tasty tapioca from street vendors, saw colorful street…Read more...

Notes On Appreciating Your First Bout Of Culture Shock

Something I didn’t appreciate until now was the beauty of your first real dose of culture shock. While I grew up traveling with my family — road trips to different amusement parks around North America and cruises to the Caribbean — my first true solo experience was heading to Bangkok, Thailand. From there I’d be…Read more...

Notes On Life Handing You An Unexpected Adventure

It’s easy to let your mindset change after returning home from a long adventure; however, if you keep your eyes open and your plans fluid, you never know what will plant the seed of your next trip. When assimilating back into the “real world” of work and daily routine it is easy to feel down…Read more...


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