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How Solo Female Travel Changed My Life (And How It Can Change Yours, Too)

I never thought I would travel solo. It kind of just…happened. And I’m glad it did, because it changed my life. Growing up, my vacations consisted of Caribbean cruises and road trips spent searching for thrilling roller coasters and America’s best beaches. It wasn’t until I studied abroad in Sydney at the age of 20…Read more...

Lessons I Learned Traveling Alone As A Female

Despite the fact I’ve traveled to countless countries as a solo female, I’m still told every time I book a flight on my own how dangerous what I’m doing is. While friends ask me I’ve ever seen the movies “Hostel” and “Taken” (yes, and they’re called movies for a reason), my parents tell me they…Read more...

Notes On Being Brave While Traveling

“Excuse me miss, you’re texting really loud. I’m trying to sleep here. Could you keep it down?!” The man next to me on the train bursts into hysterical giggles. I’m assuming he’s drunk or just terrible at flirting, as this is the tenth time he’s made the joke. I force a smile but can’t help…Read more...

Traveling Solo: Finding The Beauty

While packing, I found myself wondering what it would be like to travel by myself in two foreign countries. Maybe the trip was all a big mistake. Did I really know what I was doing? Was I prepared to do all of this alone? What happened next was wonderful: I discovered the beauty in solo…Read more...


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